Service - FAQ

How to transfer my data properly from V5 into V6?

The data format has changed with version 6, so version 5 can read data only from version 5 and version 6 only from version 6.
To convert (migrate) your previous data in the version 6 format properly, the following steps are necessary:

1. DO NOT uninstall version 5 before all data migration has been finished.
2. Synchronize your data between all mobile versions and/or SiDiary-Online (SDO) and version 5 on your PC.
3. Uninstall SiDiary version 5 and also all SiDiary data from your mobile devices.
4. Install SiDiary version 6 on your PC and start it. The migration-wizard will start automatically if it finds version 5 data on your PC.
If not: menu 'Tools ->Migration-Wizard'.

With SiDiary 6 (from version 6.0.1184) you can now choose the program folder of version 5 (where SiDiary.exe is located) or the data folder of version 5 (where the file SiDiaryProfile.dat is located) as the target file by using the button 'Browse'.

5. Install SiDiary version 6 on your mobile device (cell phone, Smartphone or PPC). Start it there and register as you have registered on your PC.

6. Register SiDiary-Online: on SiDiary-Online under 'Profile ->License-key'). Now the ads will disappear and you can synchronize data of more than one week.

6a. BEFORE the first synchronization make sure that in SiDiary-Online in the menu 'Extras' the option 'Allow Synchronisation with SiDiary V6' is enabled and saved. (This step is not necessary if you have registered with SiDiary-Online for the first time after July 1st, 2009!)

7. In the PC version of version 6, menu 'Extras ->SmartSync-Settings': for the Pocket PC or the Windows Smartphone set up the paths to the program folder and the data folder (for questions please use the key F1 on your keyboard to benefit from our excellent help function)

If you follow these steps accordingly, you should not be faced with any problems. Should any difficulties arise, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support.

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