
Cignus ProfiLine BLE for Android (En)

With our diabetes management app SiDiary for Android you can easily import data from your Cignus ProfiLine BLE blood glucose meter and use lots of advantages of statistical analysis, trend analysis and graphics to improve your therapy together with your doctor.

Selection list of manufacturers in the Android App Selection list of the manufacturer Cignus in the Android App Data transfer from the Cignus Profi Line BLE into the diabetes logbook of the Android App

If you have already connected (paired) your meter to your Android device, please tap "Setup -> Read meter" in the app and then select your meter.
The pictures above show the way to reading the Cignus Profi Line BLE.

In cooperation with Forum Telemedizin and the blind commissioned of DBSV Nordrhein e.V. - Mrs Diana Drossel - Cignus GmbH has developed a barrier-free solution. The ProfiLine BT-Device was optimized especially for the usage of blind diabetics.

It is equipped with an acoustic module, which emits the test results via beeping. In collaboration with the barrier-free diabetes diary SiDiary and its special "Blind-friendly-mode" this is the perfect solution for blind diabetics.

Additionally the test strip is optimally constructed for the blood-glucose measurement of blind patients: handing blood droplet, oxygen-independent enzyme, under-fill control, length and pliability of the test strip.

Here you'll find more details from the homepage of Forum Telemedizin and you can download a product flyer (in German language)
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